I am indeed some sort of tagging psycho-path.
- Lethalities (Your World, too fast) (2010) (2:37 100)📄 Lyrics 💾 OGG 💾 MP3 -
- Code Ruless (Ma MPC au Zoo) (2007) (2:51 )💾 OGG 💾 MP3 •
- If you love me - It's full of stars (C Control) (2011) (3:27 76)💾 OGG 💾 MP3 •
- The Golden Calf (The Golden Calf) (2011) (4:58 79)📄 Lyrics 💾 OGG 💾 MP3 -
- My Red Roots (Seldom Seen Dust) (2010) (5:00 148)💾 OGG 💾 MP3 ••
- I seek your throne (C Control) (2011) (5:04 111)💾 OGG 💾 MP3 -
- Mon Sarcophage (It Felt Faulty) (2010) (4:11 75)📄 Lyrics 💾 OGG 💾 MP3 ••
- Mockanize the Vault (The Empirism Of The Vaults) (2011) (4:10 69)💾 OGG 💾 MP3 •
- The Means and The Karma (ReTurn The Page) (2011) (4:15 145)📄 Lyrics 💾 OGG 💾 MP3 -
- Psaumes (SubUrban Dead Operator) (2008) (3:01 )📄 Lyrics 💾 OGG 💾 MP3 •