Since 2007, I have recorded 1658 tracks in my room under the DJ Habett moniker (earlier demos do exist). This is grotesque but I needed to expell what had been stuck inside of me for years listening passively to the likes of DJ Shadow, Daniel Lanois or Aphex Twin (to name a few). The sampler is my main tool but I try to distort it's use to a legit extremity that drives me insane. That "Free music for unfree people" move can't be summarized by this collection of best voted tracks but I can be wrong. Psychos can find a list of all the albums. To make it clear, I'm a selecta DJ (sampler/producer) as opposed as a mixing DJ (turntables/deck).
I am not an artist
I do it for free, as a lifestyle, because it helps me feel better and I deeply believe in Creative Commons. That means you are free to reuse my works if only you quote me as author (drop me a line if you do so). I create away from acoustics, even though I've done a few live performances. I don't work my music with computers, even though I take care of my videos on my youtube channel.
I am not Stéphane RøUX
This may be a vain attempt to lure you into listening to my stuff but that's what it is. 144 albums later, I still enjoy the physical process of operating machines and the mental exercise it takes to have something to record appearing before my ears.