I am indeed some sort of tagging psycho-path.
- Pentatonal (My Daemons Are Eccentric) (2011) (4:57 129)💾 OGG 💾 MP3 ••
- Chronozone (Can't chmod -R 777 slash) (2011) (5:01 94)💾 OGG 💾 MP3 -
- Core LifeStyle Ex (Floating Points) (2011) (5:53 99)💾 OGG 💾 MP3 -
- Grave Bus numbers (Fractalities) (2011) (6:08 120)💾 OGG 💾 MP3 -
- Polar Tax (Can't chmod -R 777 slash) (2011) (6:20 147)💾 OGG 💾 MP3 -
- Dust Exegesis (Tales of (not) Moving) (2011) (3:33 120)💾 OGG 💾 MP3 -