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I am indeed some sort of tagging psycho-path.

  1. Twin Justice (Seldom Seen Dust) (2010) (3:42 112)💾 OGG 💾 MP3
  2. Unichord Shaded Blues (Seldom Seen Dust) (2010) (5:30 108)💾 OGG 💾 MP3
  3. Lethalities (Your World, too fast) (2010) (2:37 100)📄 Lyrics 💾 OGG 💾 MP3 -
  4. Antalgic Glider Dial (Can't chmod -R 777 slash) (2011) (5:47 121)💾 OGG 💾 MP3
  5. Exonaut (The Empirism Of The Vaults) (2011) (5:20 80)💾 OGG 💾 MP3 -
  6. Spleen Axis (Other Equations) (2010) (3:47 131)💾 OGG 💾 MP3 -