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Pain & Desire. DJ Habett with an Osteoarthritis, massive painkillers and other strong prescription, tries, with restricted gestures, to translate the pain drain that he endures.

This renders as strong line of obnoxious nerdy tracks with Kalt attitude, and linear grooves broken apart detuned or absent melodies.

  1. My Lonely System (6:12 104)💾 OGG 💾 MP3 ••
  2. Pain Steps (4:00 91)💾 OGG 💾 MP3
  3. Antalgic Glider Dial (5:47 121)💾 OGG 💾 MP3
  4. Polar Tax (6:20 147)💾 OGG 💾 MP3 -
  5. Morning Mourns (5:06 78)💾 OGG 💾 MP3 -
  6. Shrine Dwellers (4:28 93)💾 OGG 💾 MP3 -
  7. Stoned Graves (5:14 108)💾 OGG 💾 MP3
  8. Amalgams (4:21 86)💾 OGG 💾 MP3 -
  9. The Distance (4:08 135)💾 OGG 💾 MP3 ••
  10. Chronozone (5:01 94)💾 OGG 💾 MP3 -
  11. Dirty Executives (5:01 113)💾 OGG 💾 MP3 -
  12. Collapser Tone (3:35 85)💾 OGG 💾 MP3 -
  13. Expeditur Gates (4:16 86)💾 OGG 💾 MP3 -